Tuesday, June 6, 2017

let the hair celebration begin:)!!!

this blog is dedicated to all things hair. 

i love hair and hair care! 

healthy hair. 

long hair. 

short hair. 

somewhere-in-between hair. 



products ...

i have been on my own hair journey since i was a little kid sportin' a wave nouveau back-in-the-day. i've been relaxed, colored: (black, blonde, blue, brown, red, purple), pressed, bald, shoulder length, butt length, braided up, twisted up, twisted out, flat-ironed ... and now natural and (lol, mostly) loving it.

my current hair goal is hip length (whenever I get there)! and i've got all the tools, tricks, tips, and techniques to help me along the way.

i'd love for you to come along for the journey ...

let's share notes:)!